Construction and Manufacturing

Construction and Manufacturing

Construction and manufacturing have both developed into major contributors of the Wheatbelt economy. The Construction sector contributed more than $1,23 million (7.1%) of total output in 2023, and 1,998 jobs (REMPLAN).

The manufacturing sector in the Wheatbelt is a stable and substantial contributor to the Wheatbelt economy, surpassing $1 billion a year in economic output annually since 2020, increasing to $1.16 billion in 2023, and 1,107 jobs.

The regions’ comparative advantages, including the key transport corridors of the Great Northern Highway and Great Eastern Highway, provide accessibility to the mining and agricultural sectors, key target markets of Wheatbelt-based manufacturing businesses.

The Wheatbelt has an important role in growing the State and National economy, from the critical services its manufacturing and construction sectors provide in meeting the unique needs, particularly of the mining sector, across Australia.

Additionally, the area has extensive service providers, innovative engineers and manufacturers that can potentially service and diversify into new industries.

The WDC is pleased to have supported the growth of manufacturing businesses in recent years through allocation of Regional Economic Development Grant funding.

Construction & Manufacturing Statistics

Construction and manufacturing have both developed into major contributors of the Wheatbelt economy. The Construction sector contributed more than $1,23 million (7.1%) of total output in 2023, and 1,998 jobs (REMPLAN).

$1.234 billion


$1.166 billion


Construction & Manufacturing in the Wheatbelt

Learn more  about how  the WDC is working to support the long-term growth of the Wheatbelt region, helping to ensure the Wheatbelt continues to be a prosperous place to live, work and invest.

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Acknowledgement of Country

The Wheatbelt Development Commission respectfully acknowledges the Traditional Owners of the lands that we live and work on: the family and clan groups of the Ballardong, Goreng, Gubrun, Kalamaia, Njaki-Njaki, Whadjuk, Wiilman, Wudjari, Yued and Yamatji People of the Noongar Nation, their Elders past present and emerging.

We acknowledge their living culture and important role in the sustainable economic development and prosperity of the Wheatbelt region. Led by Noongar wisdom and philosophy, we are committed to embracing opportunities for Aboriginal economic development, entrepreneurship and wealth creation; being a voice of change and reconciliation; supporting sustainable and healthy communities; and empowering future leaders.


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