Our Priorities
Guided by our strategic priorities, the Commission works to sustain and enhance existing strengths while identifying opportunities for growth within the Wheatbelt.
How we work
To ensure a coordinated and strategic approach to regional development across WA, the Regional Development Portfolio Plan identifies five areas of focus.
These focus areas serve as a crucial mechanism for effectively coordinating efforts across regions, whilst also accommodating regional prioritisation. The five focus areas are:
- Regional Liveability
- Economic Development, Diversification, and Innovation
- Climate Resilience and Low Carbon Transition
- Aboriginal Empowerment and Prosperity
- Organisational Excellence
Our Strategic Priorities
The Wheatbelt Development Commission has aligned its strategic objectives with the regional development themes and outlines the resulting four objectives in the Strategic Plan 2024-26.
Grow existing, and find and develop new industries
Through facilitation and advocacy, the Commission is dedicated to diversifying the regional economy by leveraging existing strengths while seeking to develop and support new industries and businesses across the Wheatbelt.
Enhance regional living standards
Promoting sustainable infrastructure and social development that improves regional liveability and ensures thriving and resilient Wheatbelt communities.
Increase Aboriginal participation in the regional economy
Partnering with Aboriginal organisations and corporations to unlock and promote opportunities for Aboriginal business development, procurement and employment.
Organisational Excellence
Committed to being a trusted partner in regional development through working in collaboration with the private and public sector to deliver regional outcomes.