Minister for Regional Development, Hon Alannah MacTiernan MLC, was in Wickepin on 12 September to announce Regional Aged Accommodation Program funding of $2.8 million to build 14 independent living units to be delivered by the Wheatbelt South Aged Housing Alliance.
The Shires of Wickepin, Kondinin, Cuballing and Corrigin have worked collaboratively to deliver the independent living units which will enable senior residents to remain in their communities in housing specifically designed for their needs.
Significant cash and in-kind funds have been contributed by the local governments and the project has strong community support. Construction expenditure for the project will result in flow-on effects to other economic activity and will generate significant employment in both the construction industry and the wider economy.
The funding is part of the Regional Aged Accommodation Program, which is delivering independent living units across the Mid-West, Wheatbelt, Peel, South-West and Great Southern.
“This McGowan Government Regional Aged Accommodation Program investment will develop high quality, purpose-built homes in the southern Wheatbelt, allowing older people to remain in their community and maintain local connections.” Said Minister MacTiernan.
Read full media release here…